Saturday, February 23, 2013

100 ton Yacht in Book 0: Stories from the Frontier

Just a quick update tonight, with more to follow tomorrow.  Two test renders of a 100 ton yacht that will be detailed in Book 0: Stories from the Frontier.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Planet cards, 1st Subsector, just about done!

Well, that was fun. I sat down Thursday night and started setting up some cards to figure out how long it would take to lay them out. Just finished the 27 worlds of the first subsector (P, just across the border from the Five Sisters). I still need to work up 4 more images for card fronts, but the data is all there. I just need to run through everything and make sure the database, subsector map, and card data all agree, then I'm going to send them off for pre-press to make sure they're good to go by end of day tomorrow. Then finish Book 0 and get started on the subsector book that will have these worlds more detailed (with maps, timelines, etc).